On 3 March 2018 at 02:37, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
Does anything bad happen if the "expandBy: 1" is removed? I tried removing it
in my Squeak trunk image, and "CompassDialMorph new openInWorld" (which is one
user of TransformationMorph) seems to work nicely.

​I bet it's there to avoid gribblies left behind when dragging.​ The damage rectangle needs to be large enough to cover every pixel touched even in rotated versions.

​Maybe the ​
truncated​ expandBy: 1
​"​ should be something like "rounded outwards"?

But generally speaking, as long as we have the warpblt hack + integer coords instead of a proper hierarchical transform framework we will run into these rounding issues again and again.

​- Bert -​