Hi Kim,

I haven't purchased the book yet.  Though I did purchase the documentary film which was really informative and fun.
I'm really surprised that there isn't more free documentation available.

I do work for the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at the Stern School of Business at NYU, but my interest in Squeak is actually for my Masters work at the NYU Steinhardt School of Ed. in the Educational Communications and Technologies program. Right now I am just doing some exploratory work with Squeak with the potential of incorporating it into my  Masters Thesis. 

I should be thanking you!  Your and the rest of the Squeak team's work is an inspiration.


Kim Rose wrote:
Hello, Yael -
Have you gotten a copy of "Powerful Ideas in the Classroom"?
If not, I think you'd find it helpful.
Are you at NYU?  Stern school?  I am curious about your use of/interest in Etoys...???
thanks for your support!


I've managed to familiarize myself with the basics EToys functionality
but I can't for the life me figure out how to import say a  jpg, or gif
into a Squeak project.. I've even looked through other projects that
have imported images, and still can't figure out how they got in there.

Can someone give me a few hints on how to do this?  Is there a favorite
how-to doc that everyone uses somewhere?  I've done all the tutorials
and quickstart on SqueakLand, is there anything out there that will take
me further?


Squeakland mailing list

Yael Yankelev


Yael Yankelev
Assistant Director, Educational Technology

Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
NYU Stern School
of Business
