I have just gone to the page 


and donwloaded Etoys-To-Go.

It is fantastic!

I saved it to a pendrive (USB flash memory).

It took 77.1 MB for the program plus 1 MB for the Etoys folder where I kept two proyects.

I am using a1 GB pendrive,  one of the smallest ones, there is plenty of room available.

Etoys-To-Go runs directly from the pendrive,  no need to install.

I put the pendrive in a computer.

Using Etoys-To-Go from the pendrive, I downloaded two projects I have stored at "My Squeakland" and saved them to the Etoys folder in the pendrive.

Took the pendrive to another computer.

I opened both projects without any problem.

I modified one of the projects and saved it again to the pendrive.

I put the pendrive in the first computer again,  opened the modified project and ...

there it was exactly as modified in the second machine.

I see three logos next to Etoys-To-Go.

Today I used it in two machines with MacOSX but I also see the Linux and WIndows logos. 

I imagine I could have used a XO at a school or one of the Windows machines at the cybercafé.

Imagine how many problems may be solved with Etoys-To-Go for children with problems to access a computer or an internet connection.

They may keep both Etoys-To-Go and their project folder in a pendrive and work wherever they can get a computer for a period of time.

They may complete one project after working for example at school,  at home, at a cybercafé or with any computer borrowed from friends or relatives.

The finished project will have no signs of having been prepared in several different computers.

Carlos Rabassa
Montevideo,  Uruguay