For point 1 you can use the slope formula m = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) and then arcTan m to get degrees. 

arcTan may have to come from Smalltalk mode. 


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <> wrote:
For point 2.,  you may have to write the script in Smalltalk mode then
use the code

ActiveHand x to get abscissa of the mouse pointer


2009/11/11 Bill Kerr <>:
> 1) Is it possible to get an arrow to point towards the mouse pointer in
> etoys?
> I can get it to point towards a box which is being moved with the mouse with
> this script: arrow's heading <-- arrow's bearing to box
> In the world menu in the playfield pane there are mouse x and mouse y
> detectors but arrow's bearing will not accept those detectors as input to
> replace just the box part
> 2) I also wanted to detect a mouse click but can't see any way to do that.
> The input pane in the world menu detects last keystroke but not a mouse
> click.
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