
You can make a dog bark by recording your own sound with the "sound recorder" in the supplies bun and using the "make sound" tile. Walking the dog, can be done with the "forward by" tile.  To actually animate the dogs legs moving requires creating a couple of still images and animating the dog using a holder (if you are interested in how to animate, click on the "Gallery of Projects" from the home page and then pick the "bouncing red ball" in the second row as an example project.

Here is a screencast showing you how to do it, my dog decided to help and started barking while I was recording :)



On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Carlos Crosetti <> wrote:
What are the Etoys bsse packages?

Lets say I want to creste an animals hieracrchy and have each animal feature one a image, novenent and sound, as an example my Dog will bark and randomly move from left to right. The Snake to move doing s random walk and a buzz. What are the bdse claeses to subclass from and start wih. I may also add a row into the Supplies tab with my Zoo, o a Zoo flap?

Regards, Carlos

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