
thanks for bringing this subject back to our attention.

I just translated about ten words to Spanish:

(Will continue my message after this copy and paste.

Arc-circle defined by three points.
Arco de circunferencia definido por tres puntos
Circle defined by its center and a point or by its center and radius, a value.
Círculo definido por su centro y un punto o por su centro y radio, un valor
Vector or point coordinates, circle or line equation.
Translator Comments
create multiple
crear múltiples
Distance between objects, curve length, free value
1 suggestion
Distance, length, value
Distancia, longitud, valor
Edit group
Editar grupo

Is it too much if I ask you to take a look at your earliest convenience and confirm I am following the right procedure.

I am not confident at all using the page.

It would be sad to put some effort and its going to waste because I did something wrong.

Last time I tried I abandoned after getting quite confused.

Today,  just the opposite,  it looks too easy to be true.

It lets me write what I want and apparently saves it automatically.

Looks like I am permanently logged in.

I am afraid if I log out I will not be able to get back in.

At no point was I asked to save anything.

What happens with these words I did,  can someone else come in half an hour later and change everything I did?

Looks like they will not be offered for translation after I do them.

I used three buttons,  I hope I am doing it right:

SUBMIT when I am confident I wrote the correct translation.

SUGGEST if I wrote something but not quite sure about my translation.

SKIP to do just that,  do not translate and go to the next one without wasting time.

I imagine this is the most effective way of doing this job,  translating isolated words.

Of course having the word completely out of the context in which it is used doesn´t allow the translator to have much confidence in his own translation.

Thanks for any comments.

In the meantime I will continue doing more words.

Have a great day!

Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay