
I also subscribed to many mailman malling-list and I've just checked them. A lot of them show a clear password at the end of the reminder but not all of them send this reminder mail.

I had a quick look at the mailman admin doc:
This document is intended for persons who have the responsibility of managing mail lists that are being run by the GNU Mailman mail list manager. Note that this document is not intended for people who are only list members

and there's a parameter it seems the admin can set:

Send monthly password reminders or no? Overrides the previous option. When set to yes, list members will receive an automatically generated monthly posting reminding them of their password as well as the URLs to access their list configuration options. This will save you're a lot of time as administrator as it will let users solve a lot of their own problems.
I can really understand why admins want to leave this by default, mainly to avoid dealing with new users who haven't understand yet how to manage and get-out of a malling list.

Even if it's possible for the user to change this behavior in his account I don't like this  for security reasons.

I've never seen that my passwords was sent in this mails: the mails are called  "mailing list memberships reminder" and I already know I'm a mailing list member and so I have no reasons to check this. Mailman should  call this  "mailing list memberships and *clear password* reminder"  IMO.

On the mailman mailing-lists which doesn't send me the clear reminder by default there's the list address link at the end of the mail which I believe is far sufficient (users can there retrieve their password if they really forgot it and they know what to expect and when in their mailbox).

Anyway, thanks Guyren and Steven for the awareness. Next time I'll subscribe to a list I'll also be also more cautious :)


Wow, Thanks Steven and Guyren,

On 3/2/07, Steven Elkins <sgelkins@gmail.com> wrote:
On 3/1/07, Guyren Howe <guyren@mac.com> wrote:
> I am getting a monthly mailing list reminder, containing my password
> in plain text.
> Is there any way to stop having my password sent to me in plain text?

The same email should have a link to your list membership
configuration page.  One of the options is...

    Get password reminder email for this list?

Not sure it's exactly what you want.


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