On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 8:09 PM, p.a.dreyfuss@excite.com <p.a.dreyfuss@excite.com> wrote:


You'll find the tiles mouseX and mouseY in the playfield category of a playfield or of the world.

get an arrow fom object catalog/graphics

move the ble rotation handle sligtly to make te center or rotation visible and move it shift/drag to the foot of the arrow.
get the viewer of the arrow category polygon, et the arrow's vertex .cursor to 2 (head of the arrow).

now just build the tiles :

arrow's x at cursor _ playfield's mousex
arrow's y at cursor _ playfield's mousey

You probably just need to find where the tiles mouse and mousey were lying, but this will help other people.

I've had a go at your instructions Pierre and learnt a few new things but haven't been totally successful with the pointing
btw I just wanted pointing at this stage not moving to the mouse as well
a worked example would be great if you have the time