Wonder if anyone could tell me if there is an easy way to export projects that work with the Squeak image from Spain to Etoys 4 so we may share them with all squeakers.  


This is the description of the situation:

Rodolfo Converso,  a School Teacher in Argentina,  gave us authorization to publish any or all of his many interesting projects.

You may already see a first example,  Multiplication Tables,  in the showcase.

We told Rodolfo we cannot open some of his projects.

This is what he answered:

All my projects work properly with the Squeak image developed in Spain.

I work for Aulas en Red de Buenos Aires (Online Classrooms of Buenos Aires).

The program [Squeak] for all the schools,  was downloaded from


This site contains plenty of Squeak information in Spanish

in the link that corresponds to

This link provides direct access

Some projects I made them 3 years ago with an earlier image but the work properly with the image from this site.

Thanks for any comments or help.