I would like to strongly recommend:


This is a completely new set of tutorials by Tim Falconer.

They were completed last month prior to his departure to Haiti where they were field tested in several pilot projects,  some still running.

Nenny and I used the original tutorials to take our first steps in Etoys.

Several good friends of ours learned Etoys through the original tutorials which we all recommended to others.

Last year in Porto Alegre we had the opportunity of talking at the same time to both Tim and Lino Bessonart,  a volunteer in Uruguay who created spanish tutorials in Uruguay which were very helpful in getting us started.

Lino said he is also like us,  a graduate of Tim's tutorials.

Those tutorials were excellent and helped a many of us in far away places.

But these new ones,  I can assure you are far better!

I'm anxious to get them translated into Spanish,  they will be a great tool since they include material and tips on how to get the most out of them.

We can see them as great tools for learning and for teaching.

Teachers, parents, volunteers and children will take great advantage of these tutorials.

They have been translated to Creole.

I'm ready to start translating to Spanish as soon as I get the authorization.

Carlos Rabassa
Montevideo, Uruguay