Hi, Carlos and the etoys team.
Some times ago I made this project.

It seems empty but if you see the sound category there is a new tile playsoundUntilDone which dont play another sound
until the first one is finished.

In fact this project contains a changeset,(a modification of Etoys)

If this new tile is juged usefiull by the etoys tile, it could be part of a next update.

You can play with it then reload etoys to revert with standard etoys.
This more an example of adding new tiles fo advanced programmers or for testinng and updating etoys by the team.

If you save a project without the change but using the new tile, you have to load this project before your project.


Ps The strange name of the project is due to the way the xo attachs a file.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Carlos Rabassa" [carnen@mac.com]
Date: 01/05/2010 05:43 PM
To: "Karl Ramberg" <karlramberg@gmail.com>
CC: squeakland@squeakland.org
Subject: Re: [squeakland] Request for Help - Question 20100501


Thank you very much for your prompt answer.

I'm afraid however it is too much for my level of knowledge.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying what I want to do
cannot be done by a regular user.

Somehow someone has to modify the Etoys code and you feel I can do it??


On Jan 5, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Karl Ramberg wrote:

> On 2010-01-05 18:33, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
>> This is my request:
>> http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg7q79cx_668g4d6bqg7
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Carlos Rabassa
>> Montevideo, Uruguay
> Hi
> there is a bug in the system.
> SoundService/BaseSoundSystem creates its unique instances without
> leaving a reference as far as I can tell.
> When we tell the sound to stop we don't know which sound to stop...
> Here is a proposed fix to that:
> Player>>beep: anObject
> "Play given sound or at least beep."
> | sound |
> anObject isString
> ifTrue: [sound _ SoundService default soundNamed: anObject.
> SoundPlayer playSound: sound.
> self costume
> setProperty: #playingSound
> toValue: sound. ]
> ifFalse: [SoundPlayer resumePlaying: anObject quickStart: true.
> self costume setProperty: #playingSound toValue: anObject]
> Karl

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