So, I have the following script:
(myPlayer costume renderedMorph isKindOf: BookMorph)
ifTrue: [self beep: 'croak']
ifFalse: [(myPlayer costume renderedMorph ownerThatIsA: BookMorph)
ifNil: [self beep: 'chomp']
ifNotNil: [self beep: 'croak']]

It will "croak" if I click on a BookMorph or any object contained inside the BookMorph. So far so good. 

Now how go I set my myPlayer variable to the BookMorph in its "owner chain" (if that's the common terminology)?


On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Scott Wallace <> wrote:
On Apr 4, 2011, at 7:09 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On 04.04.2011, at 15:20, Steve Thomas wrote:
>> How can I detect if a player variable is a book object? (sometimes it is hard to click on the book and if you get another object and try to run the script an exception is thrown).
>       (var costume class isKindOf: BookMorph) ifTrue: [...]

This should be simply

       (var costume isKindOf: BookMorph) ifTrue: [...]

i.e. the "class" shouldn't be there.

Also, for completeness, perhaps the "best" version would be:

       (var costume renderedMorph isKindOf: BookMorph) ifTrue: [...]

... because this will work even if the BookMorph has been rotated ;-)


 -- Scott
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