
I posted a project that fixes the problem http://squeakland.org/showcase/project.jsp?id=10275 it uses a world script that executes on open.  
I changed the script to textual code and added this line: SoundPlayer stopReverb from Bert's suggestion in http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-697


On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Mike Lee <mikelee@laptop.org> wrote:

I've just finished a prototype of a Bemba letter board where I've imported and scripted AIFF sound clips to play under mouseDown for each letter. This is for the Gates Foundation funded Lubuto Library Zambian Language Literacy Programming Project, which is using Etoys exclusively:


Though my source audio is very crisp and clear, the audio plays back in Etoys with reverb on OLPC XO, Mac and Windows PC. Checking some other Etoys files with sounds, I notice that reverb is prevalent. I had just assumed before that there was some quirky reason those files were authored that way. Here is the second alpha of my project:


And how I scripted each button:


Can anyone tell me how to turn off the reverb?

Curiously, when I loaded my file into Bert's experimental Etoys for iPad, the sounds played without reverb.


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