Thanks for your reply.  Yes, I'm well aware of the 'hold down shift' on the copy handle to make a sibling.  I did that.  However, I see that I failed to mention in my post that I was referring to the OLPC version of etoys (2.1 #1565)


On Aug 31, 2007, at 5:20 AM, Dreyfuss Pierre-André (EDU) wrote:


If you use shift click on the green hallo of the rubberband, you get a copy,if you watch the green halo when you shift click, it doesn't become olive.

if you are using the red halo menu to create sibling, the creation of sibling works fine.

shift click on a the halo of an object works fine but not on a rubberband.

There is a difference between copy and sibling.

Copy of objects  which are sibling using the rubberband will create a new set of siblings which are siblings of each other but not of there original object.


-------- Message d'origine--------
De: de la part de Randy Heiland
Date: jeu. 30/08/2007 15:28
Ŕ: Squeakland list
Objet : [Squeakland] rubberbanded sibling problem

I painted objects A then B (different objects).  I then used the  
shift-click rubberband feature to select them both and then created a  
sibling of those selected objects.  Script A1 just did a 'turn by' on  
A.  Script A2 did a 'tell all siblings to do A1'.  The latter didn't  
work.  It did work on an explicitly created sibling of obj A.

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