

From within any project when you create a new project using the ‘new’ button within the ‘Navigator’ flap you get a thumbnail of any empty project.  This is the squeak ‘hyperlink’.  If you clik on this thumbnail you will be in the new project.  Linking arbitrary projects is most easly done using the project history tool.  If you drag an ‘object catalog’ out of the supplies flap and click on the ‘navigation’ button you will see the ProjectHistory thumbnail.  Drag this onto your desktop and you will get a list of all your projects. Like everything in Squekland, this list is ‘alive’, so you can immediately click on any project and you will be taken there.  If you want a separate link for a particular project just drag the project out of the project history and you will get a thumbnail ‘hyperlink’ that will take you to that project when you clik on it.  It’s truly beautiful and very simple.  Hope this helps.



Tim Andrews


From: [] On Behalf Of Kelly
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 5:13 PM
Subject: [Squeakland] Linking projects


Hey guys,


Is there a way to link projects together? Or to make a link to a project from within another project. Kinda like hyperlinks in web pages? I am sure I have seen this before but trolled the archives and can't find anything.





