Hello Squeakland community,

I'm hoping someone out there can give me a definitive answer on trying to use Etoys on a Chromebook.  My initial assumption and experience has been that it is not going to work, at least at this time, but I am trying to confirm that one way or the other. Etoys-to-Go hasn't gotten me anywhere -- anything I try to run just tells me that the file type is not supported.  It seems the most viable solution would be a Google Chrome extension... is that a possibility or completely outside the scope of the Etoys project?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

============== Michael McKelvey ==============
Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
MSTE website: http://mste.illinois.edu
{Office #: 217-244-7148} {Cell #: 217-621-5783}
=========== mmckelve@mste.illinois.edu ===========
Current diversion: Scott Pilgrim (http://scottpilgrimthemovie.com/)