Hi, Sholom,

Unfortunately, you can't use cut-and-paste to import external graphics into Squeak.

To bring a picture into Squeak, you need to have it in a *file*, not just on the clipboard.  So if you have a picture on the Clipboard and you want to import it into Squeak, you'll first need to go through the intermediate step (outside of Squeak) of creating a file to hold the picture.

[On the Mac, for example, you could start up the Preview application, choose "New from Clipboard" to import the picture into a Preview document, then use "Save" to save the resulting document into a disk file.]

There are several ways of importing a file-based graphic into Squeak, of which perhaps the two easiest are:

(1)  In the Finder, use drag-and-drop to "drop" the file onto a running Squeak; you'll see desired picture appear as a new SketchMorph within the Squeak window.

(2)  Alternatively, from within Squeak, open the golden Navigator, and hold the mouse down on the "Find" button until a menu appears.  Choose "find any file" from this menu.  In the ensuing blue file-chooser, choose the desired file, and hit the "Open" button to bring it into Squeak.


 -- Scott

At 7:50 PM -0500 2/20/06, Sholom Eisenstat wrote:
I'm trying to remember how images are brought into Squeak as new morphs.

If I copy an image from  some source, and then bring up the desktop menu, there's a 'new morph' choice. However, selecting 'paste from buffer' only works if the image has been cut from Squeak itself.

What am I missing?

Sholom Eisenstat
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