Image ----- /home/laza/Projects/remos/compost/Squeak4.3alpha-11481.image Squeak4.2 latest update: #11706 Current Change Set: Unnamed1 Virtual Machine --------------- /home/laza/Projects/remos/compost/coglinux/lib/squeak/4.0-2496/squeak Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.128] Unix built on Sep 28 2011 13:04:41 Compiler: 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48) platform sources revision r2496 CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.128 uuid: 314823f6-cd6c-468f-9183-843b558f630b Sep 28 2011 StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.128 uuid: 314823f6-cd6c-468f-9183-843b558f630b Sep 28 2011 Virtual Machine Commandline Options ----------------------------------- #1 Squeak4.3alpha-11481.image Loaded VM Modules ----------------- B2DPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.69 (i) BitBltPlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.115 (i) FilePlugin VMMaker.oscog-eem.97 (i) FloatArrayPlugin VMMaker-oscog.40 (i) LargeIntegers v1.5 VMMaker.oscog-eem.72 (i) LocalePlugin VMMaker-oscog.40 (e) Matrix2x3Plugin VMMaker-oscog.40 (i) MiscPrimitivePlugin VMMaker-oscog.40 (i) SecurityPlugin VMMaker-oscog.40 (i) Virtual Machine Parameters -------------------------- #1 25076292 end of old-space (0-based, read-only) #2 26380156 end of young-space (read-only) #3 37014092 end of memory (read-only) #4 nil allocationCount (read-only) #5 nil allocations between GCs (read-write) #6 2000 survivor count tenuring threshold (read-write) #7 0 full GCs since startup (read-only) #8 0 total milliseconds in full GCs since startup (read-only) #9 48 incremental GCs since startup (read-only) #10 85 total milliseconds in incremental GCs since startup (read-only) #11 2 tenures of surving objects since startup (read-only) #12 0 specific to the translating VM #13 0 specific to the translating VM #14 0 specific to the translating VM #15 0 specific to the translating VM #16 0 specific to the translating VM #17 0 specific to the translating VM #18 0 specific to the translating VM #19 0 specific to the translating VM #20 0 specific to the translating VM #21 54 root table size (read-only) #22 0 root table overflows since startup (read-only) #23 0 bytes of extra memory to reserve for VM buffers, plugins, etc. #24 8388608 memory threshold above which shrinking object memory (rw) #25 4194304 memory headroom when growing object memory (rw) #26 2 interruptChecksEveryNms - force an ioProcessEvents every N milliseconds, in case the image is not calling getNextEvent often (rw) #27 4655 number of times mark loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) includes ALL marking #28 51356 number of times sweep loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) #29 134 number of times make forward loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) #30 135 number of times compact move loop iterated for current IGC/FGC (read-only) #31 0 number of grow memory requests (read-only) #32 1 number of shrink memory requests (read-only) #33 52 number of root table entries used for current IGC/FGC (read-only) #34 nil number of allocations done before current IGC/FGC (read-only) #35 686 number of survivor objects after current IGC/FGC (read-only) #36 345731361 millisecond clock when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only) #37 1388 number of marked objects for Roots of the world, not including Root Table entries for current IGC/FGC (read-only) #38 2 milliseconds taken by current IGC (read-only) #39 2 Number of finalization signals for Weak Objects pending when current IGC/FGC completed (read-only) #40 4 VM word size - 4 or 8 (read-only) Virtual Machine Statistics -------------------------- uptime 0h0m47s memory 37,014,092 bytes old 25,076,292 bytes (67.7%) young 1,444,288 bytes (3.9%) used 26,520,580 bytes (71.6%) free 10,493,512 bytes (28.4%) GCs 48 (987ms between GCs) full 0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime) incr 48 totalling 85ms (0.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms tenures 2 (avg 24 GCs/tenure) Since last view 4 (988ms between GCs) uptime 4.0s full 0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime) incr 4 totalling 7ms (0.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms tenures 0 Operating System/Hardware ------------------------- unix linux-gnu i686