And speaking of thinking of the children.

It would be great if people young enough to be children of some of the current members ran.  You are younger than 40?  Guess what you qualify!

And while we are at it a touch more diversity would not go amiss.  
On 2022-03-30T19:39:10.000+02:00, tim Rowledge <> wrote:
On 2022-03-30, at 7:04 AM, Ron> wrote:
Right now we have only 4 people running for 7 board seats. And one of those doens't want to be elected!

Please, please, think about running. This entire thing only works when people get together to do something. The board isn't some super-secret-old-farts-only shadow conspiracy (they are in the meeting room three doors down, you'll need a password), it's just a group trying to keep things moving, keep the website going, organise releases, come up with ideas to improve the Squeak world and so on. Anyone that makes some use of Squeak is qualified to join in; everyone that makes any use of Squeak should consider it.

Please, won't somebody think of the children?

Useful random insult:- Forgot to pay his brain bill.