On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
On 01.03.2016, at 21:14, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>     one thing this lock-up suggests is that interrupting should interrupt all processes running at user priority, not just the uiProcess.  Does that make sense?  It does to me, but would be something I'd control by a preference for testing its effects.

I thought it interrupted the active process? Wouldn’t that make most sense?

Not necessarily.  For example, in the test I referred to, testSocketReuse, the ui process (the process running the test) spawns two other processes that spin hard, one trying to write to a socket and one trying to read form a socket.  If the socket code doesn't detect errors properly then these processes continue to spin hard.  If one interrupts then /nothing/ appears to happen.  The ui process is indeed interrupted, but because the other two processes continue to spin hard they shut out the notifier which doesn't appear.  And even if the notifier did appear those processes would still be spinning hard, making it difficult for the user to interact with the notifier.  So in this case it makes sense to interrupt all processes running at user priority.  Arguably it makes sense to interrupt any and all processes running at or above user priority and below user interrupt priority.  Usually there's only the ui process in this range, but occasionally there are more and errors can cause them to make an interrupt ineffective if it only interrupts the ui process.

- Bert -

best, Eliot