


branch iconCog

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clock icon20 mins and 12 secs

Eliot Miranda avatarEliot Miranda

CogVM source as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.2785

Plugins: Clean up the SoundPlugin, eliminating almost all cCode:'s, making it potentially simulateable once the internal API is implemented. Use the methodRetur...: API to simplify a number of primitives. Change primitiveSoundEnableAEC to take either 0, 1 or a boolean.

Fix a bad bug in the Mac SoundPlgin support. The default input and output
devices were switched so the names answered were interchanged (!!).
Fix a bug setting the device volume; it simply has to follow the scheme used
for getting the volume.

Slang: eliminate the arguments to addressOf:put: blocks, hence getting rid of
quite a few unused valiables.

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