On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 at 10:27, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:
> On 2018-10-28, at 5:15 PM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:
> Here are some historical discussion of merge problems experienced in the move to support git...

OK, I haven't really paid much attention to this in some time so my opinion, despite having originally written VMMaker, isn't all that important. I do wonder why anyone feels particular need to support git for the Smalltalk source for VMMaker. Sure, for the generated C code, as a way to make it easy for mundane tools to download and build etc, git is as tolerable as anything.  But the Smalltalk code is our stuff, in our format, and we already have tools for that.
Is it some wish to have everything in a single place, perhaps? I guess I could understand that urge.

I believe that is the main driver.  I'm not involved in the decision to do it now, but I've advocated for it in the past. 
One advantage would be that multiple parties could work on separate feature/experimental branches where the Smalltalk & Generated sources remain in sync on the branch.

cheers -ben