forgive the duplication.  I sent to the wrong list first time around.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eliot Miranda <>
Date: Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:50 AM
Subject: urgent info required on Slang's shift treatment...
To: Squeak Virtual Machine Development Discussion <>

Hi All,

    I'm being bitten by Slang's treatment of bitShift: & >>.  In both cases (generateBitShift:on:indent: & generateShiftRight:on:indent:) Slang generates an unsigned shift by explicitly casting the shifted expression to usqInt.  I can understand the benefit of having an unsigned shift.  But there are times when one really needs a signed shift.  Further, the Smalltalk versions of both bitShift: and >> are signed shifts.

Dare I change e.g. generateShiftRight:on:indent: to leave the expression alone and generate either a signed or an unsigned shift based on the variable's declaration?  Or must I live with a maddening cCode: '(signed)' inSmalltalk: [] carbuncle?
