
What is the status of the FilesAttributesPlugin ? I would like to make it available by default on pharo VMs.


1) Is it already merged with another plugin ?

2) If not, for integration, should I move the FilesAttributesPlugin from its external smalltalkhub repository to VMMaker-Plugins package ?

3) What is the right way to generate a plugin ? I use this:

makerFor: StackInterpreter
and: nil
with: #()
to: (FileDirectory default pathFromURI: '../src')
platformDir: (FileDirectory default pathFromURI: '../platforms')
including: #(FileAttributesPlugin)
) generateExternalPlugin: FileAttributesPlugin

Is that correct ?
It seems it generates only the C file but no header file.

Clément Béra
Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq