@ronsaldo commented on this pull request.

In platforms/iOS/vm/OSX/sqSqueakOSXMetalView.m:

> +	// Alawys try to fill the texture with the pixels.
+	if ( fullScreendispBitsIndex ) {
+		[self loadTexturesFrom: fullScreendispBitsIndex subRectangle: (clippyIsEmpty ? rect : NSRectFromCGRect(clippy))];
+		//[self loadTexturesFrom: fullScreendispBitsIndex subRectangle: rect];
+		clippyIsEmpty = YES;
+	    syncNeeded = NO;
+	}
+	MTLRenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDescriptor = self.currentRenderPassDescriptor;
+	if(renderPassDescriptor != nil && self.currentDrawable)
+	{
+		currentCommandBuffer = [graphicsCommandQueue commandBuffer];
+		currentRenderEncoder = [currentCommandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor: renderPassDescriptor];
+		// Set the viewport.
+		[currentRenderEncoder setViewport: (MTLViewport){0.0, 0.0, lastFrameSize.size.width, lastFrameSize.size.height}];

Hi, sorry for taking too long. I was completely busy with my job. I just changed the code to use the size from the drawableSurface property, instead of the size of the window. Can you check whether this fixes the issue or not?

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