A few suggestions:
Make sure these preferences are off: maintainHalos, magicHalos  and mouseOverHalos 

Call chain in Morph to get the halo is 
HandMorph>>popUpFor:  event: 


On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

    I've finally found time to look at Timothy's event handling stuff for the simulator.  I've adapted hist code to a more minimal route, but thanks to him (thanks Timothy!)  I'm able to evaluate 3+4 through the UI.  But what I can't do is suppress halos appearing on the simulator window when I press a mouse button that brings up halos in the host (but may not in the simulated image because their mouse button swapping preference may be different) when in the bitmap display view.

My question is how to suppress it.  I see that wantsHalo is a likely method on Morph.  But if I change the single sender (Morph>>handleMouseEnter:) to ignore it I still get halos.  So I don't understand how halos appear in response to a mouse click.  hat's the chain of effect?

To suppress halos, is there something I can do locally in the ImageMorph displaying the bitmap (or in a subclass, e.g. NoHaloImageMorph)  or do I need to have a special SystemWindow?