On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Levente. I like this idea. I've been doing proxies for classes,
normal objects, etc and I never thought about using SmallIntegers. This is
because I usually need to do a #become:   between the original object and
the proxy. But in this case this is not needed, since I just need a
methodDict at: put: .  And this is a good idea because I don't need an
object header per proxy instance.

I will try to implement this. Thank you very much for all the answers.

I did a quick implementation and it works. The only problem is that you can't swap-out a method that's used by the swap-in code.

It doesn't work here. It seems I cannot use SmallInteger like methods. The #run:with:in: is never call and the image crashes.

That's simply a bug and we should fix it.  What crashes, the Interpreter, Cog or both?  Prepare a reproducible test case (image, change set etc) and we can try and fix this.

To reproduce just file in the attached cs. Then evaluate the following:

TestCase methodDict at: #assert: put: 4.
TestCase new assert: 'zaraza'.

If works, you should have a debugger in SmallInteger >> #run:with:in:
otherwise, a crash.

I've tested in mac vms like:
Squeak 4.2.5beta1U
Squeak 5.8b4

and it crash.
In Squeak 64-32 5.7b1   it just hangs forever (I guess at some point it will crash).

And in Cog it works perfect!  The problem is that I am using my own VM and I cannot use COG. So, if Cog has fixed this, I would like to know the changes so that to apply it to my VM.

Maybe it is already fixed in latest VMMaker, but I couldn't compile it....(other story)

Thanks for any help.



Example (be carefull, it may crash your image):

TestCase methodDict at: #assert: put: 4.
TestCase new assert: 'zaraza'.

I am checking the VM side now to see if I find something.







