2011/12/22 Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com>
Hi guys. I have just "fixed" the problem that we cannot load clean Cog in Pharo 1.4/1.3 because AbstractLauncher was removed. I have created a package CogVMMakerPharoCompatibility in the repo PharoVM of SqueakSource and I have commited a nuked version of AbstractLauncher. It is nuked because the method #activate is sent by Cog's CommandLineLauncher class >> initialize.  So...it seems CommandLineLauncher is only used for scripting, so if you DO want to use that class, it won't work in Pharo. But at least Cog will load without problems and you will be able to build a VM.  Of course a better solution would be to put 'Cog-Scripting' in a separate package and from ConfigurationOfCog do not loas such separated package if we are in Pharo but do load it if we are in Squeak.   If someone (Eliot) publishes such a change, I don't have a problem to rollback this one. But I was tired of this error so I proceeded with this workarround.

So...this was done in ConfigurationOfCog new baseline 2.0 and new version 3.7.

Gofer it    
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfCog';

((Smalltalk at: # ConfigurationOfCog) project version: '3.7') load

Huge Thanks ;-)



