Hi Sabine,

    I proposed a solution, and included an example implementation and asked for review here in February of 2016.  Re: Time millisecondClockValue (was: The Trunk: Morphic-mt.1080.mcz)  But I received no feedback whatsoever.  I'm not particularly excited by doing all the heavy lifting while the unethical pass off my work as theirs, and contribute nothing back. But that's where we are. 

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 11:55 PM Sabine <notifications@github.com> wrote:

I want to bring this up again. A summary of the history of this thread is that on windows, the time of the Image (Time now) gets a gap to NTP Time which grows by several seconds each day.

This has already be discussed here
and here http://forum.world.st/Windows-image-has-system-time-delay-td5096643.html#a5096652

I start my production server images new each week since 6 months now because of this issue.

And after a discussion at ESUG yesterday in the evening here again: yes, I could find ways for workarounds. But I think this is a serious issue which should be fixed because if you can not rely on the time in the image you can get various problems.

I have put a link to this issue here pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm#12 (did not know that it is a vm issue when reporting it 6 months ago).

I really would appreciate having a good solution for this.

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best, Eliot