Hi Klaus,
> I think what Strongtalk VM and Squeak VM already have in common is demand 
> for a powerful ObjectMemory implementation (the superclass of Squeak's 
> interpreter).
> Would you say that this can be a good subproject to start with, all in 
> Slang.
I haven't looked at Squeak's VM in detail, but from a quick look at ObjectMemory, I would say it seems to be exposing the guts of the VM implementation, and thus wouldn't be the right place for a common interface.  Something like that might be the right thing as the low-level interface for the long term goal of rewriting the Strongtalk VM in Slang or something like that, but for a common interface, we would want something that hides all the details of heap structure, object structure, etc, i.e. abstracts the VM functionality.