Moreover, when I ADD those lines, apart from the make error, when translating from SLANG to C, if I open a Transcript I see these "suspicious" lines:

Removed findNewMethodInClass: because it refers to the local variable localSP of interpret.
But it is either used outside of interpret or exported!!
Removed lookupInMethodCacheSel:class: because it refers to the local variable localSP of interpret.
But it is either used outside of interpret or exported!!

BUT, none of those methods access localSP.

Any idea of what can be wrong?

For some reason  lookupInMethodCacheSel:class: is not being inlined.  Since it uses localSP via internalStackValue: it must be always inlined into the body of interpret.  What I don't know is why adding a send of traceObjectusage: after internalStackValue: causes inlining to fail.

Hi Eliot. I did some more tests and it even fails WITHOUT using #traceObjectUsage:  .  Just adding the line "rcvr := self internalStackValue: argumentCount."  at the beginning of #lookupInMethodCacheSel:class:   will cause the problem. So, the following even fails:

lookupInMethodCacheSel: selector class: class
    "This method....."

    | hash probe rcvr |
    <inline: true>
    <asmLabel: false>
    rcvr := self internalStackValue: argumentCount.
    hash := selector bitXor: class.  "shift drops two low-order zeros from addresses"

Weird ehh, because you use #internalStackValue:  along StackInterpreter in a lot of other places and you don't have problems there.

 You're going to have to delve into the inliner in Slang.  This is, um, not fun.  I liken it to getting hit on the head with a stick by your guru, except that no enlightenment results.  Good luck.

:(   thanks.


Thanks in advance,


