nope. freetype-2.9.1 also fails...
$ git clone --depth 10
$ git checkout HEAD~9
$ cd build.win32x86/pharo.cog.spur
To fail faster...
$ vi Makefile # to ignore the other libraries...


$ ./mvm -d

file INSTALL cannot find
make[2]: *** [Makefile:62: install] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/Ben/Repos/depth10/opensmalltalk-vm/build.win32x86/pharo.cog.spur/builddbg/third-party/freetype-2.9.1/build'
make[1]: *** [../third-party/Makefile.freetype2:25: /home/Ben/Repos/depth10/opensmalltalk-vm/.thirdparty-cache/windows/i386/bin/libfreetype.dll] Error 2

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