Alright thanks guys for the suggestions, I re-did my pkgbuild. When I did an svn-checkout and was able to compile it just fine. I even used the same configure line as last time.

./unix/config/configure --prefix=/usr --without-quartz --with-x --enable-mpg-mmx

I also got my tarball from the link that Bert said in his email, I don't know why, but it just worked this time..

Waiting for it to re-compile now with my pkgbuild then I'll install it and try and run etoys again.

Sorry I haven't said anything for two days!


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 8:30 PM, David T. Lewis <> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 02:57:25PM +0100, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On 15.03.2009, at 14:54, David T. Lewis wrote:
> >
> >Pat, can you clarify where you obtained the source code for version
> >3.10-4? I am assuming that you are using sources that contain support
> >for OLPC, but I'm not sure if you are getting them directly from the
> >Subversion repository or from some other site. I want to try to
> >reproduce
> >the problem on my PC if possible.
> I told Pat to use the official sources, so this should be the tarball
> from
> We have merged the olpc branch into the trunk, there are no special
> OLPC sources anymore.

I downloaded the tarball and built from the platforms/unix/src source
files. The attached log file (typescript.gz) shows what I did, and the
resulting output from configure and make.

There were no issues with the build (other than compiler warnings that
I expect from many of the plugins), and the resulting VM is functional.
That said, you don't want to try using sound sound (which crashes the VM)
or FFI (which needs the fixes on Mantis 7237).

Pat, can you please have a look at the attached typescript.gz file and
see if there is something different about the way you are doing the

Clearly the sound support is going to need some work. This is actually
the first time I have loaded the sound libraries on my Linux laptop,
so I had not previously looked into this. There was some earlier
discussion about this on the list, although I don't recall if anything
was resolved.

Various other plugins that may be needed for EToys/OLPC are going to
need some work for 64-bit systems. But for what it's worth, the base
VM compiles and runs fine when built from the platforms/unix/src files
in the tarball.
