Le jeu. 12 mars 2020 à 13:21, Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi all,
beware of FFI 'long' and 'ulong'.
They are currently meaning (32 bits) int and unsigned int!
This dates back from the 80s when there were still odd OS with segmented memory and 16-bits int.
long was thought as a safe int32_t at that time... and still means just that in current FFI.

I'd like to replace them with 'int' and 'uint', but we need to ensure backward compatibility etc...

FFI has ExternalType signedLongLong or just 'longlong' and ExternalType unsignedLongLong or 'ulonglong' which are 64 bits on all architectures.
See implementors of #initializeAtomicTypes #initializeFFIConstants

If you want a type that can hold a pointer on both 32 and 64bits arch, then it's doable with a FFI type alias
For example I have things like this in HDF5 module
Notice the single #(fieldName fieldType) which defines an alias, while ordinary FFI struct gets an array of #(fieldName fieldType)
(and replace Size_t with Intptr_t if the purpose is hodling a pointer, otherwise the ayatollahs of C standard will lash you)

ExternalStructure subclass: #'Size_t'
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'HDF5-External-atomic'

Size_t class >>fields
    "Size_t defineFields"
    ^Smalltalk wordSize = 4
        ifTrue: [#( value 'ulong')]
        ifFalse: [#( value 'ulonglong')]

However the "fields" must be re-generated when platform changes...
I tried to automate that sometimes ago, see:

ExternalStructure class>>install
     "Resuming the image on another architecture may require a re-compilation of structure layout."
     | newPlatform |
     newPlatform := Smalltalk platformName.
     PreviousPlatform = newPlatform
             [self recompileStructures.
            PreviousPlatform := newPlatform]

It works if you switch from Win64 to MacOS64 for example...
However, this mechanism is not used yet at time of code loading, so importing code generated on a different platform won't automatically update the structures (or alias) - the FFI package has no mechanism for that (maybe we could add a hook in MC?).

Hmm, there is already a MC hook that recompiles the field spec (it sends #compileFields).
But it does not re-generate field accessors (self compileFields: fieldSpec withAccessors: #never.)
Further calls to checkFieldLayoutChange don't recompile the fields either, because the compiledSpec is now up-to-date "thanks" to MC hook.

I think I did that purposedly for avoiding a bunch of 'only timestamp changed', but this was not the right solution for cross-platform support.
Since Eliot has also protected spurious recompilation thru #maybeCompileAccessor:withSelector: it's safer to regenerate the accessors.
I do change that now in https://source.squeak.org/FFI/FFI-Kernel-nice.68.diff
Le mer. 11 mars 2020 à 23:58, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> a écrit :
I'd suggest to get OpenGL working outside of Croquet first:

Step 1: Verify this works in 32 bits. (assuming you are doing this on Linux, you can run 32 bit Squeak side-by-side with the 64 bit one)
Step 2: Make it work in 64 bits.

The second step requires that you understand how FFI works, and how it handles e.g. pointers and integer sizes.
I am assuming we do have a working 64 bit FFI, at least for x86_64 machines.

E.g. the OGLUnix>>glExtGetProcAddress: method returns a pointer. On a 32 bit system, that fits into a 'ulong' which is 32 bits. On a 64 bit system, a pointer is 64 bits wide so it would not fit into a 32 bit word. Now I don't know how many bits 'ulong' has in our 64 bit FFI, but that declaration may have to change. Etc. pp.

If you have questions about FFI then those are best directed at the vm-dev list since it is dealing with VM-level interfaces. CC'ing, please follow up there.

- Bert -

On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 2:54 PM gettimothy via Squeak-dev <squeak-dev@lists.squeakfoundation.org> wrote:
Okey dokey,

Poking along, there is a stray glyph in OGLUnix openGLLibraryName after
^Smalltalk osVersion = 'linux'
ifTrue: ['libGL.so.1']
ifFalse: ['GL']
I removed it in my install and got past that error.

Working exclusively with Croquet(Master)...

My next error is in OGLUnixX11LE(OpenGL)>>glMatrixMode: 
glMatrixMode: mode
"This method was automatically generated."
"void glMatrixMode(GLenum mode);"
<apicall: void 'glMatrixMode' (ulong) module: '#openGLLibraryName'>
^self externalCallFailed
The <apicall:...> fails

How to think about this?

Is Croquet behind OpenGL latest?
Would teaching myself OpenGL programming be of use to the Croquet project?

