Hi Guille,

Can you try running this script from a minimal image:

| aJson anArray |
aJson := ZnEasy get: 'https://data.nasa.gov/resource/y77d-th95.json' asZnUrl.
Array streamContents: [ :aStream |
    1 to: 400 do: [ :i |
		Stdio stdout
			<< 'ExternalAddress: ';
			print: ExternalAddress instanceCount; lf;
			<< 'Start';
			lf; flush.
        aStream nextPutAll: (STON fromString: aJson contents).
		Smalltalk saveImageInFileNamed: 'Save.', i asString, '.image'.
		Stdio stdout
			<< 'Loop: ';
			print: i;
			lf; flush ] ].

I'm using a minimal image from 18 Nov 2019 and it normally crashes on the 90th iteration. On my machine it takes about 50 seconds to crash. The good bit though is the addresses are the same on each run, so breakpoints can be easily set when working backwards.

pharo -headless Pharo.image gccrash.st

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