There are many stable and robust spell checkers out there. How come you do not seem to make use of any of them? Well, I think we all agree that your posts could significantly benefit from less typos so that any justified argumentation that might be hidden underneath can be exposed. I consider such writing support basically "for free". Yet, you do not seem to care or even try, which makes me wonder: Can you even appreciate the effort one puts into a complex project for others to tackle even more complex projects?

“But let no one imagine that we were mere ascetics. There is no more complex pleasure than thought, and it was to thought that we delivered ourselves over.” 
 Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories 

As long as you, Jan, are not able to show even a little sign of understanding and compassion towards such a challenging endeavor of developing a fast, robust virtual machine, we all should simply observe -- not judge -- your actions while you will hopefully learn and work on your own professional skills.

I am going a little bit backward, i know. But this is the right way for now.
And to our entire community: Keep up the good work! There will be sunshine after some rainy days. :-)


Am 29.03.2018 16:17:27 schrieb Jan Barger <>:

Right. Eliot should make new vm just for himself, and then he will not be
able to make any damagees to others... /// now kill me

2018-03-29 14:33 GMT+02:00 Bert Freudenberg :

> On 29 March 2018 at 05:47, Jan Barger wrote:
>>> Why you are not still at CINCOM when you are so cool and smart? They
>>> should pay and want such a genius more than this open source community, or
>>> no?
> ​Personal attacks are *not okay* on any of our community mailing lists​.
> Stop it.
> ​- Bert -​

Ing. Jan Barger

Right. Eliot should make new vm just for himself, and then he will not be able to make any damagees to others... /// now kill me

2018-03-29 14:33 GMT+02:00 Bert Freudenberg <>:
On 29 March 2018 at 05:47, Jan Barger <> wrote:
Why you are not still at CINCOM when you are so cool and smart? They should pay and want such a genius more than this open source community, or no?

​Personal attacks are not okay on any of our community mailing lists​. Stop it.

​- Bert -​

