Hi. I am trying to call #primitiveBitOr which inside calls #popPos32BitInteger which calls  #positive32BitValueOf , with two LargePositiveInteger. Example:

9999999999 bitOr: 8888888888.
Now, this seems to fail since the #bitOr: of LargePositiveInteger is failing, and thus, super (Integer) is being used. Now, I don't understand why it fails.

If I read the comment of positive32BitValueOf it says "Convert the given object into an integer value.
    The object may be either a positive ST integer or a four-byte LargePositiveInteger."

Its code is:

positive32BitValueOf: oop
    "Convert the given object into an integer value.
    The object may be either a positive ST integer or a four-byte LargePositiveInteger."

    | sz value |
    (self isIntegerObject: oop) ifTrue: [
        value := self integerValueOf: oop.
        value < 0 ifTrue: [^ self primitiveFail].
        ^ value].

    self assertClassOf: oop is: (self splObj: ClassLargePositiveInteger).
    successFlag ifTrue: [
        sz := self lengthOf: oop.
        sz = 4 ifFalse: [^ self primitiveFail]].
    successFlag ifTrue: [
        ^ (self fetchByte: 0 ofObject: oop) +
          ((self fetchByte: 1 ofObject: oop) <<  8) +
          ((self fetchByte: 2 ofObject: oop) << 16) +
          ((self fetchByte: 3 ofObject: oop) << 24) ].

as you can see, I am supposed to use ClassLargePositiveInteger.

But, in addition, LargePositiveInteger >> #bitOr comment says: "Primitive. Answer an Integer whose bits are the logical OR of the
    receiver's bits and those of the argument. Fail if the receiver or argument
    is greater than 32 bits. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."

So....I don't understand...how can I have a LargePositiveInteger but that is less than 32 bits?  Wouldn't that  be a SmallInteger?

I put some printf in the VM and seems that with my numbers (9999999999 and 8888888888.)  when I sent positive32BitValueOf:    I got : -65536 and 65535

Thanks in advance for any help.
