In depth 1, the resulting bits will always be 0.

It's not a big problem because rgbMul is just a bitAnd operation at this depth.

So a quick workaround would be to detect the case in BitBltSimulation

destDepth = 1 ifTrue: [^self bitAnd: sourceWord with: destinationWord].

That would also accelerate the Bit BLock Transfer operation, so it's a good hack.

But there is more. What we want is multiply ratios in interval [0,1].

dstRatio * srcRatio

Our implementation is scaled ratio (scaled by 1 << nBits - 1):

src := (srcRatio * scale) rounded.
dst := (dstRatio * scale) rounded.

So what we want is:

((dst/scale) * (src/scale) * scale) rounded

that is:

(dst*src / (1<<nBits-1)) rounded

Unfortunately, that's the other grief with the current implementation used for rounding:

(dst+1)*(src+1) - 1 >> nBits

It only equals correctly rounded operation for depths 2 and 4.

For rounding we might use:

(((dst/scale) * (src/scale) + 0.5) * scale) truncated.

that is expressed with truncated division:

dst*src + (scale+1//2) // scale

So here is a nicer formulation for doing the job at any depth (including 5bits rgb channels for 16 bits depth) with correctly rounded division:

aux := src * dst + (1 << (nBits - 1)). "add mid-scale for rounding"
result := aux << (nBits - 1) + aux << (nBits -1). "divide by scale"

This is because instead of dividing by scale, we can multiply by shifted inverse (sort of double precision), then shift right.

(2 to: 32) allSatisfy: [:nBits | (1 << (nBits * 2) / (1 << nBits - 1)) rounded = (1 << nBits + 1)].

Multiplying by this inverse is easy and cheap:

x * (1 << nBits + 1) = (x << nBits + x).

And then applying the right shift >> (2 * nBits) is equivalent to:

x >> nBits + x >> nBits.

We must first add 0.5 (scaled), that is src * dst + (1 << (nBits -1)) - our formulation of aux, and we're done.

We verify:

	(0 to: 1<<20-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<9+i)>>10+ (1<<9+i)>>10 = (i/1023) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<18-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<8+i)>>9+ (1<<8+i)>>9 = (i/511) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<16-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<7+i)>>8+ (1<<7+i)>>8 = (i/255) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<14-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<6+i)>>7+ (1<<6+i)>>7 = (i/127) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<12-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<5+i)>>6+ (1<<5+i)>>6 = (i/63) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<10-1) allSatisfy: [:i | (1<<4+i)>>5+ (1<<4+i)>>5 = (i/31) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<8-1) allSatisfy: [:i |  (1<<3+i)>>4+ (1<<3+i)>>4 = (i/15) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<6-1) allSatisfy: [:i |  (1<<2+i)>>3+ (1<<2+i)>>3 = (i/7) rounded].
	(0 to: 1<<4-1) allSatisfy: [:i |  (1<<1+i)>>2+ (1<<1+i)>>2 = (i/3) rounded].
} allSatisfy: #yourself.

The nice thing is that above down-scaling operation can be multiplexed.
Suppose that we have p groups of 2*nBits M holding square-scale multiplication of each channel concatenated in a double-Word-Mul.

doubleWordMul = Mp .... M5 M3 M1

Note we arrange to have odd channels in low word, and even channels in high word.

We first form a groupMask on a word with (p+1)/2 groups of nBits alternating all one i and all zero o, oioi...ioi.

channelMask := 1 << nBits - 1.
groupMask := 0.
0 to: wordBits // (2 * nBits) do: [:i |
    groupMask = groupMask << (2 * nBits) + channelMask].

Where wordBits is the number of bits in a word (usually we want to operate on 32 bits words in BitBlt).

We form the doubleGroupMask on a double-word with p groups of 2*nBits oi:

doubleGroupMask := groupMask >> nBits.
doubleGroupMask := doubleGroupMask << wordBits + groupMask.

And we perform the division by scale:

doubleWordMul := (doubleWordMul >> nBits bitAnd: doubleGroupMask) + doubleWord >> nBits bitAnd: doubleGroupMask.

At this stage we obtain a double word containing scaled multiplicands interleaved with groups of nBits zeros:

o mp ... o m3 o m1

Now the final result can be obtained by shifting back:

doubleWordMul >> (wordBits - nBits) + (doubleWordMul bitAnd: groupMask)

The only problem remaining is how to obtain the squared-scale multiplicands. It would be easy to form the alternate even-odd channels for each src and dst operands:

doubleWordSrc := src >> nBits bitAnd: groupMask.
doubleWordSrc := doubleWordSrc << wordBits + (src bitAnd: groupMask).
doubleWordDst := dst >> nBits bitAnd: groupMask.
doubleWordDst := doubleWordDst << wordBits + (dst bitAnd: groupMask).

we now get o sp ... o s3 o s1 and 0 dp ... o d3 o d1, but we would now need a SIMD integer multiplication operating on groups of 2*nBits in parallel... We don't have that, at least in portable C code. So we still have to emulate it with a loop.

half := 1 << (nBits - 1).
shift := 0.
doubleWordMul := 0
0 to: nChannels - 1 do: [:i |
doubleWordMul := doubleWordMul + (((doubleWordSrc >> shift bitAnd: channelMask) * (doubleWordSrc >> shift bitAnd: channelMask) + half) << shift).
shift := shift + nBits + nBits].

We know that each operation cannot overflow on upper neighbour group of 2*nBits, because the maximum value is:

(1<<nBits-1) squared + (1 << (nBits-1)) = 1 << (2nBits) - (2(1<<nBits)) + (1 << (nBits-1)) - 1
< (1 << (2*nBits) - 1)

It remains the odd case of 16 bits depth, which has 3 groups of 5 bits and a leading zero.
I believe that above algorithm works without splitting in two half-words...
To be tested.

We have gathered the pieces for a correctly rounded almost-multiplexed rgbMul.

Somehow have our cake and eat it too.

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