HI Eliot and Tim.

Makes sense to me. What I am trying to figure out is the best way to generate it at compile time and ditch the hard-coded configH method per the requirements.

One option is to just invoke configure per the build.linuxXYZ/build/mvm file  as the source tree is identical.

Would that be a problem?

Another possibility is in Ian's CMake system for the Standard Interpreter, it is generated by hand. 

 svn co http://squeakvm.org/squeak/trunk squeak
cd squeak
mkdir bld
cd bld

Looking at that /platforms/unix/cmake/configure file, it is just a shell script with some hard-coded definitions/flags.

What I could do is dynamically create that ../platforms/unix/cmake/configure script from the class. Then in the build script build.sh invoke that script first before invoking cmake.

I do think the first option is easier.


