On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

   this looks like a Cog VM bug.  You should try and create a reproducible case and then send it to me.

Hi Eliot. Define "reproducable case" ;)
Really, I don't have a simple TestCase/Doit that reproduce this, but I can be sure that when running all my tests (that use objects as methods) it crashes. If it is not in the first time, for SURE in the second. But as said, it is not always in the same place not the same test. Because the problem seems while running an incremental GC.

What I can provide you is a Pharo image, with all my code loaded, and the test runner open with the test you have to run. And promise: if the first time or second, you will have the crash.
I tried to upload the image to the gforge project and we have a problem right now with it. I just send it by private email to you. I hope you don'y bother.

I can tell you all this information:

- My tests are all about using proxies for compiled methods (subclasses of proto object, not SmallInteger).
- The crash DOES NOT happens if I compile a StackVM, it ONLY happens in CogVM.
- With Cog, I have the crash with both, Development or Production.

Thanks A LOT in advance,



On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 5:31 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eliot. I am having some asserts failing while running my tests. Most of them during the sweep phase of the GC.

The two places where it fails is in

- NewCoObjectMemory >> lastPointerWhileForwarding: oop  

if fails the assert:       self assert: (coInterpreter cCoerceSimple: methodHeader to: #'CogMethod *') cmType = CMMethod.
In different runs, the cmType answer me 1 (CMFree)

- NewCoObjectMemory >> lastPointerOf: oop recordWeakRoot: recordWeakRoot "<Boolean>"

and it fails in the same assert:        self assert: (coInterpreter cCoerceSimple: methodHeader to: #'CogMethod *') cmType = CMMethod.
In different runs, I got values 0 or 6. BTW....seing:

    CMOpenPIC := 1 + (CMClosedPIC := 1 + (CMBlock := 1 +(CMMethod := 1 + (CMFree := 1))))

I cannot understand how can I get 0 or 6....

Anyway, my question is if you have a clue of what can be happening so that those asserts are failing. I am using Objects as methods, but normal objects (subclasses of ProtoObject).

Thanks in advance,
