On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks John. I have been trying to follow your steps. They are pretty accurate, however, I had some problems. I hope my newbie problems be of help to update the documentation if required.

1)  I had to copy the src generated from VMMaker (which was generated by default in the same directoy where the image is)  to svnSqueakTree/
From your comments I think you let also the default src. So, in such case I guess to need to do what I did (copy). I am right ?

In summary:  copy /Users/mariano/Pharo/imagenes/Pharo1.0-10508-rc1dev10.01.1/src  to  /Users/mariano/Pharo/VM/svnSqueakTree/svnSqueakTree

2)  In step 6, A)  it says "Double-click the SqueakVMUNIXPATHS.xcodeproj file"    which one ??  because at that time I have 3 of those files, as the readme previously said to copy that file to the folder where "platforms" and "src" are...So, I have 3 different SqueakVMUNIXPATHS.xcodeproj files.

I used the one of /Users/mariano/Pharo/VM/svnSqueakTree/svnSqueakTree

is this correct ? which should I use ?

3) In step 6, e) it says "From the Project menu pick the active build configuration you want to use."
I noticed that there is an option "set active build configuration" and 3 options: development, deployment and deployment symbols.

3.a) I am intrigued in the differences of those 3. I mean, what is done different in the compilation.

3.b) What is deploymentSymbols ?

3.c) Doing develoment, the VM is 2mb, but doing deployment is 3....is this correct ??  I would expect the development be bigger that deployment

4.d) There is an incredible difference in speed. Development is MUUUUUUCH more slow that production. This takes me to 3.a)   ;)

4)  No matter the "set active build configuration"  I couldn't make FreeType to work. I open an image with TrueType, but I cannot see the fonts...But the plugins are included when building the VM with VMMaker.
Do you now what can be the problem ?

5)  No matter which plugins I compile with VMMaker, when I open SqueakVMUNIXPATHS.xcodeproj  with XCode, I see all the plugins I didn't include, in red, which make sense....so, what can I do to compile correctly ?  go to each red file, right button -> delete  ?   I think that doesn't work as I have errors trying to compile after that :(



Thanks for any tip!


On 2010-02-09, at 11:39 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:37 PM, John M McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com> wrote:

For the OSX Version 4 VM the build documentation says:

Where is that information John ?   I am trying to compile the vm now that I already generated the .c but I am not sure how to do it correctly.

I noticed that it doesn't exit something like http://www.squeakvm.org/macos

I checked in http://smalltalkconsulting.com/squeak.html

but I didn't find anything.



John M. McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com