2018-04-04 11:05 GMT+02:00 Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de>:

Hi Cyril

> On 03.04.2018, at 15:26, Cyril Ferlicot D <cyril@ferlicot.me> wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> I have a problem with SSL and Winodws 7, I think it might be a VM plugin
> problem (excuse me if we find at the end that it is not) and I heard
> you're the one maintaining the SSL plugin.
> If I execute this code:
> ZnClient new url: 'https://google.com'; get.
> I get a result.
> If I execute this code:
> ZnClient new url: 'https://github.com'; get.
> I get this error: Error: SSL Exception: connect failed [code:-5]
> I tried with both stable and latest vm. (The stable is from august 2017
> I think)
> I sent a mail on the Pharo dev ML and we are at least two having this
> problem with Windows 7 when it's working with Windows 10.
> Let me know if you need any more details on this issue.
> I opened on issue:
> https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/issues/236

Can you please change ZdcSecureSocket>>sslSession to

        ^ sslSession ifNil: [
                sslSession := self sslSessionClass new

And please paste what appears on stdout?

(you may have to execute the vm from the commandline).

Best regards

I confirm, same behavior as Cyril on windows 7 with latest bintray VM pharo.cog.spur_win32x86_201804032021.zip

logging output:

>PharoConsole.exe Pharo7.0-32bit-b6db964.image
sqSetStringPropertySSL(1): (null)
sqSetStringPropertySSL(2): github.com
sqConnectSSL: input token 0 bytes
sqConnectSSL: Input to InitSecCtxt is 0 bytes
AquireCredentialsHandle returned: 0
InitializeSecurityContext returned: 90312
Input Buffers:
        buf[0]: 2 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[1]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[2]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[3]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
Output Buffers:
        buf[0]: 2 (122 bytes) ptr=596140
        buf[1]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
         type=2, size=122
         type=0, size=0
sqConnectSSL: input token 7 bytes
sqConnectSSL: Input to InitSecCtxt is 7 bytes
InitializeSecurityContext returned: 80090302
Input Buffers:
        buf[0]: 2 (7 bytes) ptr=14b8fe0
        buf[1]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[2]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[3]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
Output Buffers:
        buf[0]: 2 (0 bytes) ptr=0
        buf[1]: 0 (0 bytes) ptr=0
Unexpected return code 2148074242