On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 1:31 PM Tobias Pape <notifications@github.com>

> Hi.
> The problem here is that the sound pluing (vm-sound-pulse) is in fact not
> linked agains the libpulse-simple.so. So says ldd and a quick glance a
> the code does not tell me why tho.
> When the sound system is initialized, it apparently tries to dynload the
> vm-sound-pulse but since it has unresolved symbols, that fails.
> However, using LD_PRELOAD, we force the libpulse-simple.so into the
> starting process, so that the dynload can actually succeed, as the missing
> symbols can already be found in the process. (LD_PRELOAD is present on al
> ELF-based systems, ie, Linux/BSD, Mach-O based use DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES,
> ie macOS).
> The proper fix would be to ling vm-sound-pulse with -lpulse-simple
> somehow, but looking at the Make-includes/cmake files, I wonder why that's
> not the case in the first place.

I suspect the autoconfig step being run on a build machine without lib
pulse correctly installed. Again that's an advantage of static makefiles;
if prerequisites are unavailable the build will fail instead of the system
silently (or at least very muffled) deciding not to link against a missing

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best, Eliot

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