Hi Tim,

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 11:56 PM, Tim Felgentreff <timfelgentreff@gmail.com> wrote:


I finally got around to enabling automatic nightly benchmarking for
all branches for both opensmalltalk-vm and rsqueak. Before I had to
manually trigger benchmarks for opensmalltalk-vm. Now a nightly cron
job checks for new passed builds on all branches and then tries to run
benchmarks for the resulting binaries. Note, however, that we're only
uploading binaries for the master and Cog branch right now on
opensmalltalk-vm, so all other branches are schedules but then
skipped, because no binaries are available.

The benchmarking machine is still running at this point, a full set of
benchmarks takes about 4-5 hours per binary. So I expect the results
for yesterdays VMs to come in this afternoon GMT+1. Not all of the
benchmarks are well scaled right now, so that might need some
tweaking, but since there has been talk about various performance
optimizations recently, I figured we should be more vigilant in
tracking the results of that. For example, Clement mentioned recent
optimizations that should have results in binarytrees. It's nice if we
can see that in the timeline.

This page in particular may be interesting to check once in a while:


Would it be possible to add so me indication to the page of what is faster?  From the graphs I can't tell if higher is faster or longer.  There are no labels :-(

If anyone wants to take a look at the code and benchmarks, the about
page links to all relevant repositories. I'm happy to give people
access so they can add or change or remove benchmarks.


best, Eliot