
Ever since WebAssembly became a thing, I was wondering if this could become a target for VMs. People are already compiling FFMPEG and other complex tools. So I thought I would try as well.

So here I am to report to whom it may concern: OSVM compiles to WebAssembly, starts up (nearly), then looping infinitely
Meaning: The VM mmaps the image file, loads plugins (SecurityPlugin made EXTERNAL), starts interpreter loop, but then loops the same bytecode sequence forever

Code lives at https://github.com/maenu/opensmalltalk-vm/tree/Cog/building/minheadless.cmake/x86/pharo.stack.spur.wasm if you want to try it out.

Below is the current Readme, including a short list of issues. Maybe some of you could give me a hint?



Compiles OSVM Stack interpreter to WebAssembly using the Emscripten compiler. Emscripten can be used as a drop-in replacement for gcc/clang and cmake. Based on MinHeadless Linux 32bit sources, as Emscripten provides Linux-like environment (pthreads, nanosleep, dlopen, file system). Check the latest few commits of maenu to see changed files.

Current issues

  • Most adjustments are just putting EMSCRIPTEN in a macro or script. Should be fine, but should be tested to not interfere with other builds.

  • Compiles and runs, but seems to be stuck in initial GC and Heartbeat. Those could be related to incorrect get/set64() implementation.

  • Removed mmap address hint, as it caused errors.

  • Using argv eval '1 + 3' to do a simple eval does not terminate.

  • Interpreter repeats these bytecodes forever (what is this?):


Build & Run

1. Install Emscripten

I installed Emscripten SDK to get an all-in-one package.

2. Grab an image

Grab a 32bit Smalltalk image and but it in the image folder. I used Pharo 9.

cd building/minheadless.cmake/x86/pharo.stack.spur.wasm
mkdir image
cd image
curl https://get.pharo.org/32/90 | bash

3. Build VM

./mvm_configure_variant debug Debug && make -C debug install

4. Run a web server

emrun --port 9090 --serve_root ../../../../ --no_browser .

5. Launch VM


6. Inspect running VM

The VM is compiled with DWARF debug information, which is understood by the Chrome debugger. So we can step through the C sources of the WebAssembly, pretty nifty.
