Hi Gerardo,

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 12:32 AM, Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido <gerardo.santana@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, energy and will.

Actually I would like to keep autoconf. I found out some duplicated code in the build.* directories that could probably be solved by using the autotools properly.

Are you strongly opposed to using autotools? May I try to make it work?

No, I'm not.  I'm opposed to running it on each build.  The scheme we've agreed upon is as follows (and I'm cc'ing vm-dev to include others working on this):

1. The correct realm for autoconf is in determining what facilities the platform provides, /not/ for deciding how to configure the VM, /not/ for generating Makefiles, etc.  So autoconf (or CMake) should be run once per platform (updating after significant third-party software is installed, C compiler is updated, etc), and produces a config.h in the relevant build directory, e.g. build.linux32x86/config.h.

2. the VM is to be configured from config.h (which informs us as to what third-party libraries, os facilities, word sizes, etc are available for the current platform), the Makefile (e.g. build.macos32x86/pharo.cog.spur/Makefile), and plugins.int and plugins.ext (to determine the set of plugins to attempt to build; their makefiles may further filter-out plugins depending on available third-party libraries).

So the build scheme we're trying to move towards is

a) either autoconf or CMake is used to generate a config.h file in each build directory that defines platform facilities (#define HAS_EPOLL 1 et al).  This is run occasionally, /not/ on every build

b) use conventional Gnu Make makefiles, avoiding all the mkmf scripts in platforms/unix/conf, to build specific VMs

Does that make sense?  For me this is very important.  See


and this is from a Squeak Oversight Board discussion before we moved to githug:

"It was decided to leave the build system as-is using GNU Makefiles where available with a commitment to move to GNU Makefiles on Linux. We will use CMake to produce per-platform config files that identify platform facilities (such as epoll(2) vs kqueue(2) vs poll(s) vs select(3))."

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gerardo,


On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido <gerardo.santana@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eliot,

what is the proper way to ask questions regarding building Clog?

I just found that in opensmalltalk-vm/platforms/unix/config, configure is not in sync with configure.ac

It may or may not be.  Currently I can only reliably run make to generate a new configure script on CentOS 5.3.  If I try on e.g. 6.x I get an invalid configure.  We hope to eliminate configure soon and use a makefile style similar to the Mac and Windows platforms.  Do you have energy to contribute to this?

Thanks in advance.

P. S. I have made squeak.clog.spur compile on OpenBSD, but I'm looking for a better way to do it.

Gerardo Santana

best, Eliot

Gerardo Santana

best, Eliot