Hi Nicolas,

On Aug 12, 2016, at 12:20 AM, Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@gmail.com> wrote:

I now have the FFI tests passing in squeak.stack.spur for 64bits image on windows (using either gcc or clang).


The vm and plugin can be generated from the LLP64 branch on opensmalltalk-vm github project.
I'm not sure that the tests cover all the edge cases, but that's already something.

I'd like to test callbacks now.
Are there any existing tests and where?

Class side of either Callback or Alien (I think Alien).  There are some windows specific font enumeration examples that have yet to be rewritten to use the new style.

Do these tests pass on other OSes (Linux 64 and/or mac 64) ?

The FFI tests and the qsort test do pass on Linux and Mac as of May this year.  See http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/vm-dev/2016-May/021866.html

Last question: how do we enable the MT (multi-threaded version) nowadays?
I didn't see specific configurations defining COGMTVM in mvm.
Ah yes, maybe like this:
./mvm -- THREADING=multi

It failed for me because the interpreterProxy was not found
It seems that the makefile expects a specific source: gcc3x-*interpmt.c
Is it still the case?

Are there specific (multi)threaded FFI tests somewhere?

I have a few for Mac OS X, but nothing published.  The principal test was to launch a file dialogue in a separate thread that had callbacks to select file type and file name (IIRC).



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