Hi John,

Le 28 sept. 2018 à 21:38, John McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com> a écrit :

Well there is or was a mac menu bar plugin

you'll need to ensure your vm bundle contains that.  I can't say where the smalltalk code you use to talk to it is, nor can I say how you would build the VM with that included. 

Good to know. I was not aware of that plugin.


Otherwise you need a VM that has the ObjectiveCPlugin plugin  which I see the pharo people compile. 


Then you need the smalltalk code


Then consider Apple's documentation 

Perhaps someone has written the Smalltalk code to interface to NSMenu ? 

A few months ago, I did some experiments with Alien-MacOSX in Pharo (http://squeaksource.com/Alien).
It was not very successful. I was able to remove menus or menu items but I did not succeed to update existing ones or to create new ones.

Some snippet of my experiments:

nsApp := #NSApplication inObjectiveC sharedApplication.
menu := nsApp mainMenu.

menu removeItemAtIndex: 2. "remove Edit menu item"  => ok

menu addItemWithTitle: 'Quit' asNSString autorelease 
        action: #terminate: asObjectiveCSelector
        keyEquivalent: 'q' asNSString autorelease.  => does not work

#NSMenu inObjectiveC setMenuBarVisible: 0.
#NSMenu inObjectiveC setMenuBarVisible: true asAlien.

Probably I did not succeed probably because I do not know enough on OS X app dev.

It could be an option, but I still think that it would be bettter to be able to customize this static information in the nib file.
