@krono commented on this pull request.

In platforms/iOS/vm/OSX/sqSqueakOSXApplication+events.m:

> -     }
-     // Put back in the queue all events that did not belong to this window
-     // They will be managed by other windowing systems
-     // (or by a subsequent invocation to this function)
-     while ((event = [alienEventQueue firstObject])) {
-       [NSApp postEvent: event atStart: NO];
-       [alienEventQueue removeObject: event];
+       }
+       // Put back in the queue all events that did not belong to this window
+       // They will be managed by other windowing systems
+       // (or by a subsequent invocation to this function)
+       while ((event = [alienEventQueue firstObject])) {
+         [NSApp postEvent: event atStart: NO];
+         [alienEventQueue removeObject: event];
+       }

Ok, this no.

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