also, in e.g. CogObjectRepresentationFor64BitSpur>>genFloatComparison:orIntegerComparison:invert:boxed: or anywhere else the issue comes up it would be good for non-experts to extend the comment, so that instead of just

"If floatRcvr == (double) intArg then use compareInt(intArg,(int64) floatRcvr)"

it says
"If floatRcvr == (double) intArg then use compareInt(intArg,(int64) floatRcvr).
see #417"
"If floatRcvr == (double) intArg then use compareInt(intArg,(int64) floatRcvr).
because in 64-bits SmallInteger has more significant bits (60) than Float (53)"

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